Web Reporting

JSM Web Reporting is a hosted reporting tool

Hosted reporting tool

Your Hosted Environment

JSM Web Reporting is a hosted reporting tool. It is a separate application running in a hosted environment. It does not replace or interfere with either JewelMaster EPOS or JewelMaster BackOffice

Both JewelMaster EPOS and JewelMaster BackOffice send real-time information to the hosted reporting database. Please note, this updating of the reporting database is not done once a day at the end of the day as part of a timed routine, or when a local users activates an update, but it is completed as each transaction happens. Absolutely no user interaction is required to update the reporting database. Both applications know where to send the data and do so without the user noticing.

Hosted in our own server farm (yes we own the building, the racks, the servers, the air conditioning; everything), users can monitor the sales, money and stock activities and history of all their stores real-time; from any location; at any time of day or night; through a normal browser. No extra software is required to view your data

Every user can choose from a long list of Views – Daily Sales, Item Sales, Monthly Sales, Dashboard, Commissions, Stock Sales by Group, Stock Sales by Brand, Staff Sales and many more, for every store or one store.

A manager responsible for multiple stores can review sales and stock information at any time from any location. If the manager logs in at 10.35 am, they will see all the money taken, sales made, new repairs opened, etc as if they were actually in the store and saw the transactions happening

All of this data sits in our UK Government Accredited server farm

Modules That Work With Web Reporting



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Back Office

Back Office

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