
The repairs module comes as standard with any JewelMaster EPOS purchase

Ready For Collection

The module provides the vital link between your customer, your repair bag process and your jobbers and repairers (whether internal or external). The JewelMaster EPOS repair functions can be as limited or as detailed as you wish. For example, whilst every repair needs at least two statuses to operate (new and complete), you can expand it to include all the stages you require (new, sent to the repairer, back from the repairer, ready for collection, etc).

It is your choice. You can complete all the notes boxes (Condition, Work Required, Detail, etc) or just complete Notes. You can use our unique auto-focus camera scanning solution to attach an image directly to the repair as they come in and go out.

There are many many functions on a Repair card. Service reminders, texting, emailing, valuations, price lists, audit history, barcode receipts, deposits, serial numbers, repair text, time stamping and so many other functions, it is not surprising we have many repair-only operations using our software

Modules That Work With Repairs



How does EPOS effect my till?

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