Text Messages

Imagine sending a text to targeted end customers

Instant Messaging

Instant Messaging

How often have your staff left a message only for the customer to say “I didn’t receive it”? Sending a text is quicker and customers find it more difficult to dispute!

Imagine sending a text to targeted end customers, inviting them to a special discount day. You need only send a few compared to the hundreds of letters or cards you might post and you know they have received it and read it.

All of this is possible with the JewelMaster Marketing add-on. It comes with a text engine component; giving operators numerous ways to use text messages.

For example, the system can be set to automatically send a text to the customer as soon as you mark a Repair as being “Ready for Collection”. As part of any marketing campaign, one of the options is to send the tailored list by text. Imagine sending out your text to 200 carefully chosen customers, with a 10% discount to whoever comes in on Thursday. It works. If a Sales Assistant has been authorised to only give 5% discounts on stock, the Manager will receive a text detailing any discount given that is greater than 5%, before any money is taken. When your shop closes for the day, the Manager can receive a text detailing the money taken, the number of transactions for that day and the time the shop closed. Of course, a Till user can just click on the SMS icon, fill in the details and send.  Every message is stored against the customer. Another item unique to JewelMaster. Only users with JewelMaster Marketing can send text messages.

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