Cloud Storage Solutions

Cloud computing (or “the Cloud”) is where we share one of our servers with you

Keeping Your Files Safe!

Cloud Storage Solutions

You get 24/7 access to the JewelMaster modules from any location. It is your server, your space, your data.

Let’s get a few things straight. First of all, the server farm is in the UK, so no GDPR issues connecting to servers in Iceland, Germany or wherever other farms might be located. Secondly, we don’t expect you to “buy” a server, hand it over to us and let us host it. We allocate you your own server in our server farm. Finally, we don’t ask you to buy any sql licenses or any other server software. You rent a fully working server from us in a Government Accredited operation. It’s that simple.

You will be able to access your data, through our software, from anywhere in the world using our unique login software. From printing tickets directly to your office-based ticket printer to running reports or making sales, it can all be done 24/7 from anywhere in the world. 

To put your mind at rest, unlike most providers, we own all parts of the “cloud” solution. We do not rent any service or server from any third party. Everything from the bricks and mortar, the lights, the servers, the cable and every other component is 100% ours. As mentioned before, all parts of the solution are in the UK. That’s an important point; as renting servers often means renting space on a server in another country. As you would expect with any server farm operation; our server farm building has external and internal security cameras and door security. Inside it has fail-over resources for the UPS’s, the fibre broadband lines, the routers; even the servers. The big comfort for you is; that we own it all.

We are the contact point. Not only is your server backed up daily, but you are automatically on the latest version, face no upfront infrastructure costs and have 24/7 access.

Oh (and to support all your GDPR queries) our server farm has full UK Government approval.

Let’s Work Together